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musk ox是什么意思

发布时间:2021-03-10 作者: 英语查

musk ox 是什么意思


musk:    n. 麝香;【动物;动物学】麝;【植物;植物学】香沟酸浆 ...
ox:    n. (pl. oxen ) 公牛,阉公牛;(一般的)牛 ...
large shaggy-coated bovid mammal of Canada and Greenland; intermediate in size and anatomy between an ox and a sheep
同义词:musk sheep, Ovibos moschatus,


1.Musk ox calves huddle tegether during a snowfall at the nonprofit musk ox farm in palmer , alaska

2.We will visit musk ox farm for an unique opportunity to see and photography one of the arctic s oldest species . later we visit wasilla , a town famous by " iditarod " . in addition to learn about alaska s winter time sport of dog musing , you can take the opportunity to ride on dog husky sledding optional
谷地农场养殖的麝香牛,彷若久未梳理的嬉皮,全身铺满毛发,分不出是发是须,麝香牛血缘更接近山羊,也欠缺麝香腺,但是毛发下生长的绒毛qiviut ,却织成最保暖的稀有毛料。

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